A project to increasingly disseminate the value and knowledge of PDO products | Supermarket Trade Show
A project to increasingly disseminate the value and knowledge of PDO products | Supermarket Trade Show
The project is dedicated to the Asian market and has the purpose of disseminating awareness of the value and knowledge of the products bearing a protected designation of origin, increasing competitiveness and consumption, and contributing to contrast cases of agri-food piracy.
The Consorzio will participate in the Supermarket Trade Show, taking place from 14 to 16 February at Tokyo’s Makuhari Messe, one of the Japan’s largest exhibition centre.
The initiative is part of the EUPERTE promotional programme started last April with Grana Padano cheese and co-funded by the European Union.
The three-year project is dedicated to the Asian market – Japan, China and Hong Kong – and has the purpose of disseminating awareness of the value and knowledge of the products bearing a protected designation of origin, increasing competitiveness and consumption, and contributing to contrast cases of agri-food piracy enabling consumers to make more informed purchase choices. EUPERTE develops through a wide range of initiates that include trade exhibitions and events, tastings at points of sale, training workshops, communication through a dedicated website and social media, advertising.
The participation in the Supermarket Trade Show aims at consolidating and creating new contacts with retail and food service and HORECA channels.