News & Press | Parma Ham: Production Specifications at the European Commission

News & Press | Parma Ham: Production Specifications at the European Commission


The amendment procedure continues after the positive assessment by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture (MIPAAF)

Positive conclusion for the domestic assessment of the proposed amendment of the Parma Ham Production Specification by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies that sent the dossier to the European Commission to complete the preliminary investigation phase maintaining the rest of the text submitted by the Consortium unaltered.

We are very satisfied with the Ministry’s decision because these amendments are truly important for the entire production chain. The procedure is still long and we are glad to have successfully overcome the objections raised at a national level.

It is now the European Commission’s turn to carry out the assessment and we hope we will continue in the direction of improving the qualitative level of our product, making it more competitive on the market and more in line with the new consumer demands. We would like to thank the Ministry for supporting our production chain, which has acknowledged the importance of reviewing and updating some rules governing the production of Parma Ham – stated Vittorio Capanna, President of the Consortium.

Indeed, the amendments to the Specifications cover all the links in the production chain starting from the characteristics of the raw material – i.e. genetics, pig weight and feeding, and characteristics of fresh haunches – all the way down to the finished product in terms of curing method, ham weight and minimum maturation extended to 14 months, quality assessment analysis parameters, selling method, pre-sliced product, etc.

The Specifications, the new control plan and the recent implementation of the Registro Italiano Filiera Tutelata (a totally computerised traceability system for PDO products) are three pillars to relaunch the sector since they can ensure greater transparency and clarity in production chain relations, and strengthen the fraud prevention system to guarantee a safer product for consumers.

The Consortium – with Mipaaf’s enduring support – is now at full disposal of the European Authorities for a final assessment of the proposed amendments.

Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma
Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma - Largo Calamandrei, 1/A - 43100 Parma - Italy - Phone: 0521.246211 - Fax 0521 243983
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